Lives and works in Seoul
- 2020 MFA Fine Arts, Korea National University of Arts, South Korea
- 2017 BFA Fine Arts, Korea National niversity of Arts, South Korea
Solo exhibitions
My Salad Days, Seoul, South Korea
Short Cut, Uhjjudah gallery2, Seoul, South Korea
Selected group exhibitions
The Seasons, this weekend room, Seoul, South Korea
Ziggy Stardust, Gallery N/A, Seoul, South Korea
21st century painting, hite collection, Seoul, South Korea
We’re all sick and in love, WESS, Seoul, South Korea
Todays, Keep in Touch, Seoul, South Korea
The Heart Too Small, Kyobo Bookstore, Seoul, South Korea
This Is a Favorite With Sunshine, Space OOOJH, Seoul, South Korea
Look in the Opposite Direction on Your Back, Art Space Young, Seoul, South Korea
BGA Offline Showcase: Physical, Gallery Factory, Seoul, South Korea
That Has Ever Seen, Keep in Touch, Seoul, South Korea
Pauses, Gallery175, Seoul, South Korea
Over the Idea, Nook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Cha-Cha-Cha, Seoul Art Space Seogyo, Seoul, South Korea
Catching the Drift of Clouds, SamyukBD, Seoul, South Korea
Sorry, No One's Home, Misulandgonggan, Seoul, South Korea
Brick, Aquarium, Pipe, Haenghwatang ART Space, Seoul, South Korea